Why Choose Open Source Headless Content Management Systems?

Selecting the right Content Management System (CMS) is pivotal for any organisation aiming to manage and deliver content efficiently. The debate between open source and proprietary Software as a Service (SaaS) headless CMSs is ongoing. While SaaS headless CMSs offer convenience and integrated support, open source headless CMSs often provide greater advantages in flexibility, control, and cost-efficiency. Here’s why an open source headless CMS is often a better choice. At PretaGov we will work with you to pick the best Headless CMS for your needs.


All headless CMSs offer flexibility by decoupling back-end content management from the front-end, allowing developers to use any front-end technology and create tailored user experiences. An open-source CMS adds further customisation of the backend, database, and admin UI, providing even more flexibility to tune the user experience to your needs.


Cost is crucial when selecting a CMS. Proprietary SaaS headless CMS solutions often involve recurring fees that increase with content and users. In contrast, an open-source CMS is generally free, with costs mainly for setup, customisation, support and hosting. This can lead to substantial savings over time, benefiting organizations with tight budgets or needing a scalable cost structure.

Data Sovereignty

An open-source headless CMS offers complete control over your data and infrastructure. Unlike proprietary SaaS solutions, where data resides on the provider’s servers, hosting your CMS on your own servers or a trusted cloud provider ensures full ownership and compliance with your security standards and regulatory requirements.

Community-Driven Innovation

Open-source projects thrive on community contributions, meaning an open-source headless CMS benefits from continuous improvements, security updates, and new features driven by a global developer community. This collaborative nature fosters rapid innovation, ensuring the CMS evolves to meet emerging needs, unlike proprietary SaaS solutions developed by the provider's internal team.

Avoiding Vendor Lock-In

SaaS headless CMSs often come with the risk of vendor lock-in, making it difficult and costly to switch providers or migrate to another platform. Open source headless CMSs eliminate this risk by offering full access to the source code and the ability to migrate freely. This flexibility ensures that your CMS can adapt to changing business needs and technological advancements without being tied to a single vendor’s ecosystem.

Enhanced Security and Compliance

Open-source headless CMSs often offer enhanced security through extensive peer review, quickly identifying and addressing vulnerabilities. Hosting your own CMS also allows for customised security measures and compliance with industry-specific regulations, providing more transparency and control than proprietary SaaS solutions.

Contact us for more information

The choice between open source and proprietary SaaS headless CMSs is a strategic decision that impacts your content management capabilities, security, costs, and overall digital strategy. While proprietary SaaS headless CMS solutions offer convenience and integrated support, they often come with limitations in flexibility, control, and cost. An open source headless CMS provides superior advantages in these areas, empowering organisations to create highly customised, secure, and scalable digital experiences.

By leveraging an open source headless CMS, businesses can benefit from the collective innovation of a global community, avoid vendor lock-in, and maintain complete control over their data and infrastructure. This freedom to innovate and the ability to optimise performance based on specific needs make open source headless CMS a compelling choice for forward-thinking organisations looking to stay ahead in a competitive digital landscape.

PretaGov works with Headless Wagtail, Strapi, Headless Drupal, Headless Wordpress and Plone Volto. PretaGov provides full service hosting and support for open source solutions.